Our Services

At AAI Canada Global, we offer a comprehensive range of services for both candidates and businesses, ensuring a smooth Canadian transition

Services For Candidates

  • Assessment of skills and preferred region
  • Comprehensive preparation of the file for the principal applicant and their family, if desired
  • Flight booking and travel agency services
  • Airport reception
  • Arrangement of transportation upon arrival in Canada
  • Assistance until obtaining permanent residency
  • Employer search
  • Interview with your future employer
  • Contract signing with your employer
  • Opening of bank accounts with numerous benefits for our members
  • Assistance in obtaining credit
  • Enrollment in health insurance
  • Enrollment for obtaining a Social Insurance Number (SIN)
  • Assistance in housing search
  • French courses available for better integration

Services For Businesses

  • Translation service
  • Assessment of your company’s eligibility
  • CV dissemination service
  • Interviews via video conference with selected candidates
  • Assistance with applications to all government authorities
  • Assistance with housing search
  • Document preparation and registrations: health insurance, RAMQ, SIN, bank account
  • Airport reception and transportation of candidates between their residence and workplace
  • Workplace integration day
  • On-site visits upon request to address general questions from your employees and the employer.

Our Services

Join the AAI Canada Global INC. family and let us help you build a better future in Canada. No matter where you are, we’re here for you!

Skills Assessment

File Preparation

Employer Search

Airport Reception

Cultural Integration Assistance

Much More